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Cruising Yacht Club Of Australia



Possible introduction of a Trans-Tasman Yacht Race from Sydney to Auckland

In the great tradition of the CYCA being Australia’s premier blue water yacht club, the Club is exploring the feasibility of conducting a Category 1 yacht race from Sydney to Auckland, to commence in March 2025.

The 1,165 NM race would be a standalone event and is likely to be run biennially. The race would be known as the Trans-Tasman Yacht Race and is envisaged to become a highlight of the Australian and New Zealand racing calendars, attracting quality international fleets.

In exploring such a race, the club will be considering many issues including the level of interest from competitors and sponsors and an appropriate New Zealand finishing partner.

To understand the interest of our stakeholders in this event, the Club invites feedback from members and blue water competitors as well an initial indication of owners’ interest to participate in the inaugural race in 2025.

Please submit your response by Friday 7 October 2022.

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