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Cruising Yacht Club Of Australia

ACSBWPS 2024 Briefing Declaration

A compulsory briefing will be held at 1800 hours (AEST) on Wednesday 18 September at the CYCA and online via Webinar. It is mandatory that two of either: Owner, Skipper, Second in Charge (2IC) or Navigator attend. Crew members who view the briefing via Webinar shall lodge the briefing declaration confirming attendance by 1200 hours Friday 20 September 2024. For a casual entry, two of either Owner, Skipper, 2IC or Navigator shall view the recording of the briefing and shall lodge the briefing declaration by 1700hrs on the Thursday prior to the race entered.

I confirm that I hold the following position on board a yacht competing in the ACSBWPS:

Briefing attendance

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